Saturday, April 14, 2018

Diablo TTRPG: 1st Level Necromancer

This is the first draft of a first level character! I decided to start with a necromancer, because they have always been my favorite. You can look at the basic mechanics for the game in previous posts, but below you will find the descriptions of the different abilities that the Necromancer has at first level.

Blood Rush (Utility): Short range teleport. Take 1d4 damage. Can use as a reaction to being hit (avoid the hit), but cannot take a movement action next round.

Siphon Blood (Standard): Medium Ranged Attack. On hit gain 1 life. 1x Damage. Explosive Attack: 2x damage, heal half damage dealt.

Summon Skeleton (Full): Medium Ranged. Summon a skeleton, and give it some of your life (max 10 hp).
After you summon, the skeleton takes a basic attack if it’s in melee range with an enemy. Until the skeleton dies, instead of taking a basic action, you can make the skeleton attack.
Until the skeleton dies, instead of taking a Full Action, you can have all your skeletons attack a single target. Skeletons do not gain Explosive Attacks. You can control skeletons equal to your Intelligence modifier (max 4).

Corpse Explosion (Full): Long Ranged. Target corpses equal to your Intelligence modifier (max 5). Each corpse explodes, dealing 1x damage to anyone in 10 ft. Explosive Attack: Corpses deal 2x damage. Targets hit become poisoned.

Bone Armor (Utility): Summon armor of bones to protect yourself. The armor absorbs 3d10 damage until it explodes. Counts as a move action.

Bone Spikes (Standard): Short Ranged Attack (5ft radius). Pull spikes of bone from the ground to strike into anyone in the target area. Each spike deals 1/2x damage.

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